Barrie Ingram Accounts Ltd
Incorporated 2005 to provide services for small businesses and self employed. Barrie Ingram, Director, has been advising clients about how to administer their small business tax affairs and bookkeeping since 2000 when teaching basic bookkeeping to graduates in a London college was his main income driver. Providing spreadsheet assistance, bookkeeping processes and software advice.
Moving to Colchester in 2005 opened up a greater audience to advertise and demonstrate how complicated bookkeeping exercises and specialist tax legislation can be utilised with ease. Clients were talked to in an easy understandable language, with the aid of short demonstrations within the initial consultation. In a nutshell, “Talking Your Language” was a catch phrase and still is.
Barrie Ingram has read many books and attended many courses and seminars to learn how to encourage people to feel easy at a meeting.
If a new client is to come on board, their needs are to be drawn out and satisfied. A new client will always have a problem. This problem needs to be solved. The problem needs to be made to look easy, a solution is to be found there and then. Solve that problem in that first meeting and you have client for life.
The first thing is to be liked, people do not discuss problems unless they like who they are talking too. So the idea is to talk the right language , discuss whats going to happen and make sure that every one is happy about the outcome. Often, this can be to sort out any complicated business needs, bookkeeping or tax. Quick solutions in uncomplicated words without costs there and then, makes people feel at ease.
At the end of any initial meeting an engagement letter is issue describing what business services can be offered for an exact fee. This engagement letter has to be signed, but not immediately. It is described that at any time in the next few days or weeks clients can make contact to meet up again for any questions and/or to hand over the signed documents. These can be posted and questions can be emailed to clear up any misunderstandings. So no one is forced to make decisions quickly, that way any new client can be confident.
This process was successful and continues to this day.
Most new contacts are via the website contact or referral from existing clients.